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The FACE of ASU's Herberger

Industrial Design School

Photo of me taken during a presentation has remained in the college banner since 2015

The POPTAB IRON MAN suit project

One of my largest projects I've done. Before I started my journey at ASU, I spent 13 months making an Iron man suit out of poptabs and Chain mail. It was actually during this process that I learned about Industrial Design through a convention visit.

Every time I google myself or the Poptab Iron Man new stuff keeps popping up.

Winner of the Bus Stop project

FALL 2016

Hosted by City of Phoenix Transportation. Won for its ability to provide the most shade in all four cardinal directions, its innovative technology solutions, eco-friendly aesthetic, and still remaining ADA compliant. 

ReDesigning ASU's Design School

The Video I made for my group Redesign project excelled, and they mentioned it on the Design School's page.


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